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Regulatory effects of a fermented food concentrate on immune function parameters in healthy volunteers

Nutrition, v.25 no.5, 2009년, pp.499 - 505  

Schoen, Christiane (BioTeSys GmbH, Esslingen, Germany) ,  Schulz, Anne (BioTeSys GmbH, Esslingen, Germany) ,  Schweikart, Jennifer (BioTeSys GmbH, Esslingen, Germany) ,  Schütt, Sabine (Institut fü) ,  von Baehr, Volker (r Medizinische Diagnostik, Berlin-Steglitz, Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractObjectiveNutrition is known to influence the immune system and can thereby modulate resistance to infection. The objective of this clinical trial was to assess the influence of a cascade-fermented food consisting of fruits, nuts, and vegetables rich in polyphenols (Regulat) on the immune sys...


참고문헌 (30)

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