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Persimmon vinegar ripening with the mountain-cultivated ginseng ingestion reduces blood lipids and lowers inflammatory cytokines in obese adolescents 원문보기

Journal of exercise nutrition&biochemistry, v.19 no.1, 2015년, pp.1 - 10  

Seo, Hyobin (Department of Leisure Sports, Kyungpook National University, Sangju, Korea) ,  Jeon, Byung-Duk (Department of Physical Education Leisure, Suseong College, Daegu, Korea) ,  Ryu, Sungpil (Department of Leisure Sports, Kyungpook National University, Sangju, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

[Purpose]This study investigated the effect of the vinegar, which is made of 4-year-old mountain-cultivated ginseng ripened into 4-year-matured persimmon vinegar, on the blood lipids level and inflammatory cytokines concentration in obese female adolescents.[Methods]Subjects ingested the vinegar, so...


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