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[해외논문] Dissolution of Alumina, Sintering, and Crystallization in Glass Ceramic Composites for LTCC

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.92 no.8, 2009년, pp.1703 - 1708  

Müller, Ralf ,  Meszaros, Robert ,  Peplinski, Burkhard ,  Reinsch, Stefan ,  Eberstein, Markus ,  Schiller, Wolfgang A. ,  Deubener, Joachim

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Sintering and microstructure evolution of alkali‐free calcium-alumo-borosilicate glass/α‐Al2O3 composites (mean particle size ca. 2 μm) for low‐temperature cofired ceramics were studied during heating at 5 K/min by heating microscopy, thermal analysis (DTA), X‐ra...

참고문헌 (38)

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