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[해외논문] 天然薬物成分の切り札 配糖体を極める
Fascination with Natural Glycosides 원문보기

藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, v.130 no.5, 2010년, pp.679 - 686  

池田 剛 (熊本大学) ,  宮下 裕幸 (大学) ,  中野 大輔 (院医) ,  野原 稔弘 (学)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recent progress in glycobiology reveals that sugar-chains play a crucial role in cell-cell recognition among immunity, inflammation, and malignant tumor in the living body. To study the mechanism of action requires a sample of sufficient quantity. However, isolating a sugar chain and a glycoside i...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Ikeda, Tsuyoshi, Fujiwara, Satoko, Kinjo, Junei, Nohara, Toshihiro, Ida, Yoshiteru, Shoji, Junzo, Shingu, Tetsuro, Isobe, Ryuichi, Kajimoto, Tetsuya. Three New Triterpenoidal Saponins Acylated with Monoterpenic Acid from Albizziae Cortex. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, vol.68, no.12, 3483-3490.

  2. Ikeda, T., Fujiwara, S., Araki, K., Kinjo, J., Nohara, T., Miyoshi, T.. Cytotoxic Glycosides from Albizia julibrissin. Journal of natural products, vol.60, no.2, 102-107.

  3. Ikeda, Tsuyoshi, Kajimoto, Tetsuya, Nohara, Toshihiro, Kinjo, Jun-ei, Wong, Chi-Huey. Preparation of a neoglycolipid carrying the oligosaccharide component of saponin fromAlbizzia julibrissin. Tetrahedron letters: the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communications in organic chemistry, vol.36, no.9, 1509-1510.

  4. 0919-3405 RIKEN Review Ikeda T., Kajimoto T., Wong C.-H. 8 21 1995 

  5. 5) Kinjo J., Nohara T., “Towards Natural Medicine Research in the 21st Century,” Elsevier, Tokyo, 1998, pp. 237-248. 

  6. 6) Kinjo J., Nohara T., “Studies in Natural Products Chemistry,” Vol. 25, ed. by Atta-ur-Rahman, Elsevier, Oxford, 2001, pp. 89-124. 

  7. 0002-1369 Agric. Biol. Chem. MURO T 50 3 687 1986 10.1271/bbb1961.50.687 

  8. Ikeda, T., Kajimoto, T., Kinjo, J., Nakayama, K., Nohara, T.. Chemical transglycosylation of functional bioactive glyco-linkages. Tetrahedron letters: the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communications in organic chemistry, vol.39, no.21, 3513-3516.

  9. Ikeda, Tsuyoshi, Tsumagari, Hidetsugu, Honbu, Takehiko, Nohara, Toshihiro. Cytotoxic Activity of Steroidal Glycosides from Solanum Plants. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, vol.26, no.8, 1198-1201.

  10. Ito, Shin-ichi, Eto, Tomomi, Tanaka, Shuhei, Yamauchi, Naoki, Takahara, Hiroyuki, Ikeda, Tsuyoshi. Tomatidine and lycotetraose, hydrolysis products of α-tomatine by Fusarium oxysporum tomatinase, suppress induced defense responses in tomato cells. FEBS letters, vol.571, no.1, 31-34.

  11. Ikeda, Tsuyoshi, Yamauchi, Ken, Nakano, Daisuke, Nakanishi, Kenji, Miyashita, Hiroyuki, Ito, Shin-ichi, Nohara, Toshihiro. Chemical trans-glycosylation of bioactive glycolinkage: synthesis of an α-lycotetraosyl cholesterol. Tetrahedron letters: the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communications in organic chemistry, vol.47, no.26, 4355-4359.

  12. 0385-5414 Heterocycles IKEDA T 52 2 775 2000 

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