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[해외논문] Justicia procumbens Extract (DW2008) Selectively Suppresses Th2 Cytokines in Splenocytes and Ameliorates Ovalbumin-Induced Airway Inflammation in a Mouse Model of Asthma 원문보기

Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, v.40 no.9, 2017년, pp.1416 - 1422  

Youm, Jihyun (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Lee, Hyunyong (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Chang, Hwan Bong (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Jeon, Jihyun (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Yoon, Mi Hee (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Woo, Ji Young (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Choi, Min-Soo (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Hwang, Yunha (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Seong, Seungkyoo (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Na, Kyuheum (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company) ,  Yoon, Joobyoung (Research Institute, Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Company)

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참고문헌 (21)

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