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참고문헌 (43)

  1. AbouRizk S. (2009). “Framework for highly integrated interoperable construction simulation environments.” ICCEM-ICCPM2009 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Seoul. 

  2. AbouRizk, Simaan M., Dozzi, S. Peter. Application of Computer Simulation in Resolving Construction Disputes. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.119, no.2, 355-373.

  3. 10.1109/WSC.2009.5429307 AbouRizk S. and Hague S. (2009). “An overview of the COSYE environment for construction simulation.” 2009 Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York. 

  4. AbouRizk S. and Hajjar D. (1996). “Productivity improvement for construction.” Technical Rep NSERC/PCL North American Construction Lafarage Canada Inland Construction Alberco O. J. Pipelines Edmonton Alberta. 

  5. 10.1139/cjce-25-3-604 

  6. AbouRizk S. M. (1990). “Input modeling for construction simulation.” Ph.D. thesis Purdue Univ. West Lafayette Ind. 

  7. Analysis of productivity on a tunnel operation using computer simulation AbouRizk S. 1997 

  8. Agbulos, Albert, Mohamed, Yasser, Al-Hussein, Mohamed, AbouRizk, Simaan, Roesch, John. Application of Lean Concepts and Simulation Analysis to Improve Efficiency of Drainage Operations Maintenance Crews. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.132, no.3, 291-299.

  9. Al-Battaineh M. (2009). “Scenario-based planning for tunneling construction.” Ph.D. thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  10. Alvanchi A. Lee S. and AbouRizk S. (2009). “Incorporating context level parameters to improve operation analysis in steel fabrication shops.” ICCEM-ICCPM2009 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Seoul. 

  11. 10.1109/WSC.2002.1166454 Appleton B. Patra J. AbouRizk S. and Mohamed Y. (2002). “Optimal construction project planning.” Proc. 2002 Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York Paper No. CEPM-2. 

  12. Azimi R. Lee S. and AbouRizk S. (2009). “Integrated project monitoring and control for steel construction.” Joint Int. Conf. on Construction Engineering and Management and Construction Project Management (ICCEM-ICCPM) Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Seoul. 

  13. Chang D. Y. and Carr R. I. (1987). “RESQUE: A resource oriented simulation system for multiple resource constrained processes.” Proc. 1987 PMI Seminar/Symp. Project Management Institute Newton Square Pa. 4-19. 

  14. Chung, Tae Hwan, Mohamed, Yasser, AbouRizk, Simaan. Bayesian Updating Application into Simulation in the North Edmonton Sanitary Trunk Tunnel Project. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.132, no.8, 882-894.

  15. El-Ghandour W. (2007). “Integrated information-based construction simulation system.” Ph.D. thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  16. Er K. C. Fernando S. AbouRizk S. and Ruwanpura J. (2000). “Selecting the best tunnel construction for the 1st stage of the SESS tunnel using simulation.” 7th Annual Construction Research Forum Hole School of Construction Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  17. Ferrar J. M. (2002). “Development of a lean approach in simulation using surface works operations of road construction.” MSc thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  18. Hajjar, Dany, AbouRizk, Simaan M.. Unified Modeling Methodology for Construction Simulation. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.128, no.2, 174-185.

  19. J. Constr. Div. Halpin D. W. 489 103 3 1977 10.1061/JCCEAZ.0000712 CYCLONE: Method for modeling of job site processes 

  20. MicroCYCLONE user’s manual Halpin D. W. 1990 

  21. IEEE. (2001). “Standard for modeling and simulation (M&S) high level architecture (HLA).” Federate Interface Specification 1516.1-2000 IEEE Press New York. 

  22. UM-CYCLONE user’s guide Ioannou P. G. 1989 

  23. Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation Kamat V. R. 455 2003 

  24. 10.1145/167293.167915 Liu L. Y. and Ioannou P. G. (1992). “Graphical object-oriented discrete-event simulation system.” Proc. Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York 1285-1291. 

  25. Lu, Ming, Anson, Michael, Tang, S. L., Ying, Y. C.. HKCONSIM : A Practical Simulation Solution to Planning Concrete Plant Operations in Hong Kong. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.129, no.5, 547-554.

  26. 10.1109/WSC.1994.717503 Martinez J. and Ioannou P. G. (1994). “General purpose simulation with Stroboscope.” Proc. Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York 1159-1166. 

  27. Moghani E. Taghaddos H. Salehi M. AbouRizk S. M. and Mohamed Y. (2009). “Simulation-based schedule enhancement of tower cranes.” CSCE Annual Conf. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering St. John’s NL Canada. 

  28. Mohamed, Yasser, Borrego, Davila, Francisco, Luis, Al‐Hussein, Mohamed, AbouRizk, Simaan, Hermann, Ulrich. Simulation‐based scheduling of module assembly yards: case study. Engineering, construction and architectural management, vol.14, no.3, 293-311.

  29. North American Pipeline Inc. (NAPI). (2008). “Suncor firebag pipeline construction simulation.” prepared by DRAXware Inc. 

  30. Odeh A. M. Tommelein I. D. and Carr R. I. (1992). “Knowledge-based simulation of construction plans.” Proc. 8th Conf. on Computing in Civil Engineering ASCE New York 1042-1049. 

  31. Oloufa, Amr A.. Modeling Operational Activities in Object‐Oriented Simulation. Journal of computing in civil engineering, vol.7, no.1, 94-106.

  32. Paulson Jr., Boyd C., Chan, Weng Tat, Koo, Charlie C.. Construction Operations Simulation by Microcomputer. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.113, no.2, 302-314.

  33. Peña-Mora, Feniosky, Han, Sangwon, Lee, SangHyun, Park, Moonseo. Strategic-Operational Construction Management: Hybrid System Dynamics and Discrete Event Approach. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.134, no.9, 701-710.

  34. Shaheen, Ahmed A., Fayek, Aminah Robinson, AbouRizk, Simaan M.. Methodology for integrating fuzzy expert systems and discrete event simulation in construction engineering. Canadian journal of civil engineering = Revue canadienne de génie civil, vol.36, no.9, 1478-1490.

  35. Shahin A. (2007). “Simulation of cold weather construction.” Ph.D. thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  36. 10.1109/WSC.1991.185628 Shewchuk J. and Chang T. (1991). “An approach to object-oriented discrete-event simulation of manufacturing systems.” 23rd Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York 302-311. 

  37. Shi, Jonathan Jingsheng. Activity-Based Construction (ABC) Modeling and Simulation Method. Journal of construction engineering and management, vol.125, no.5, 354-360.

  38. Song L. (2004). “Productivity modeling for steel fabrication projects.” Ph.D. thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  39. 10.1061/41020(339)129 Taghaddos H. AbouRizk S. M. Mohamed Y. and Hermann R. (2009). “Integrated simulation-based scheduling for module assembly yard.” Construction Research Congress ASCE Reston Va. 

  40. Van Tol A. A. (2005). “Agent embedded simulation modeling framework for construction engineering and management applications.” Ph.D. thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  41. Wang P. (2006). “Production-based large scale construction simulation modeling.” Ph.D. thesis Univ. of Alberta Edmonton Alta. Canada. 

  42. 10.1145/324898.324975 Xu J. and AbouRizk S. M. (1999). “Product-based model representation for integrating 3-D CAD with computer simulation.” 1999 Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York 917-977. 

  43. 10.1109/WSC.2008.4736354 Zhou F. AbouRizk S. M. and Fernando S. (2008). “A simulation template for modeling shaft construction.” 2008 Winter Simulation Conf. Association for Computing Machinery New York. 

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