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Effect of long‐term culture of mouse embryonic stem cells under low oxygen concentration as well as on glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan on cell proliferation and differentiation 원문보기

Cell proliferation, v.44 no.1, 2011년, pp.75 - 85  

Ramírez, M. Á. (Departamento de Reproducció) ,  Pericuesta, E. (n Animal INIA, Madrid, Spain) ,  Yáñez‐Mó, M. (Departamento de Reproducció) ,  Palasz, A. (n Animal INIA, Madrid, Spain) ,  Gutiérrez‐Adán, A. (Servicio de Inmunologí)

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AbstractObjectives:  Maintaining undifferentiated stem cells in defined conditions is of critical importance to improve their in vitro culture. We have evaluated the effects of culturing mouse stem (mES) cells under physiological oxygen concentration as well as by replacing fibroblast feeder la...

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