1791년의 신해통공은 시전(市廛) 상인의 활동영역을 침범하는 난전 상인에 대한 단속권[禁亂廛權]을 대부분 폐지한 조치를 가리킨다. 이 조치는 당시의 사회경제적 변화 속에서 급성장한 상업세력의 위상을 반영하는 것이자, 경제적 조치를 통해 정치적 세력관계를 변화시키려는 국왕세력의 정치적 목적이 개입되어 나타난 것이었다. 신해통공을 전후한 정조의 경제개혁은 일련의 개혁논쟁을 통한 개혁 지지세력의 규합과, 잇따른 후속조치가 개혁의 성패를 결정하는 관건임을 잘 보여준다. 특히 이 과정에서 조선조 정치의 특정인 공론정치의 구체적인 양상과, 특정당파의 입장이 아닌 국가 전체의 관점에서 정책결정을 내리는 국왕의 모습을 발견할 수 있다.
1791년의 신해통공은 시전(市廛) 상인의 활동영역을 침범하는 난전 상인에 대한 단속권[禁亂廛權]을 대부분 폐지한 조치를 가리킨다. 이 조치는 당시의 사회경제적 변화 속에서 급성장한 상업세력의 위상을 반영하는 것이자, 경제적 조치를 통해 정치적 세력관계를 변화시키려는 국왕세력의 정치적 목적이 개입되어 나타난 것이었다. 신해통공을 전후한 정조의 경제개혁은 일련의 개혁논쟁을 통한 개혁 지지세력의 규합과, 잇따른 후속조치가 개혁의 성패를 결정하는 관건임을 잘 보여준다. 특히 이 과정에서 조선조 정치의 특정인 공론정치의 구체적인 양상과, 특정당파의 입장이 아닌 국가 전체의 관점에서 정책결정을 내리는 국왕의 모습을 발견할 수 있다.
This article explores King Chong-jo"s reform politics in the process of the Shinhae-Tonggong(辛亥通共, 1791). Shinhae-Tonggong, the permission for unlicensed vendors to operate alongside the licensed merchants. This is a good illustration of the conditions of reform in traditional Korean politics. First...
This article explores King Chong-jo"s reform politics in the process of the Shinhae-Tonggong(辛亥通共, 1791). Shinhae-Tonggong, the permission for unlicensed vendors to operate alongside the licensed merchants. This is a good illustration of the conditions of reform in traditional Korean politics. First, King Chong-jo(1752-1800) had to overcome the opposition of the Noron Party (老論), which was hostile to reform. The Noron Party insisted on the status-quo on the grounds that the evils of reform were more serious than those of conservation. But King Chong-jo strongly advocated reform, refuting the Noron Party"s opinion by reasoning that the aftermath of reform tends to be sensible while that of conservation does not. In the exciting and even violent debates on the new policy, he eventually sided with the Namin Party (南人). In this way, he increased the political forces and enforced the new economic policy. Anyway, the fact that important policies were inforced after serious debates, shows "the politics of publicness" in the traditional Korea. Second, King Chong-jo kept non-partisan position when he made important decisions. This matter has been overlooked by the scholars who studied Shinhae- Tonggong. Most scholars has thought that King Chong-jo just accepted Chae Jaekong(Namin Party)"s policy proposal. Of course the King appointed the leaders of Namin Party as high officials and made them initiate reform policies. But he didn"t entrust Namin Party with a full power, and rejected their partisan proposals. In result of Shinhae-Tonggong, he successfully removed the licensed merchant"s monopoly and stabilized market prices. In sum, Shinhae-Tonggong was the result of King Chong-jo"s persuasive justification in the reform-debate, the suprapartisan decision making and the effective follow-up measures.
This article explores King Chong-jo"s reform politics in the process of the Shinhae-Tonggong(辛亥通共, 1791). Shinhae-Tonggong, the permission for unlicensed vendors to operate alongside the licensed merchants. This is a good illustration of the conditions of reform in traditional Korean politics. First, King Chong-jo(1752-1800) had to overcome the opposition of the Noron Party (老論), which was hostile to reform. The Noron Party insisted on the status-quo on the grounds that the evils of reform were more serious than those of conservation. But King Chong-jo strongly advocated reform, refuting the Noron Party"s opinion by reasoning that the aftermath of reform tends to be sensible while that of conservation does not. In the exciting and even violent debates on the new policy, he eventually sided with the Namin Party (南人). In this way, he increased the political forces and enforced the new economic policy. Anyway, the fact that important policies were inforced after serious debates, shows "the politics of publicness" in the traditional Korea. Second, King Chong-jo kept non-partisan position when he made important decisions. This matter has been overlooked by the scholars who studied Shinhae- Tonggong. Most scholars has thought that King Chong-jo just accepted Chae Jaekong(Namin Party)"s policy proposal. Of course the King appointed the leaders of Namin Party as high officials and made them initiate reform policies. But he didn"t entrust Namin Party with a full power, and rejected their partisan proposals. In result of Shinhae-Tonggong, he successfully removed the licensed merchant"s monopoly and stabilized market prices. In sum, Shinhae-Tonggong was the result of King Chong-jo"s persuasive justification in the reform-debate, the suprapartisan decision making and the effective follow-up measures.
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