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[해외논문] Elastic region of an ACF joint for thermosonic flip-chip bonding

Journal of micromechanics and microengineering.: structures, devices, and systems, v.21 no.9, 2011년, pp.095015 -   

Ha, Chang-Wan ,  Jang, Tae-Young ,  Kim, Kyung-Rok ,  Yun, Won-Soo ,  Kim, Kyung-Soo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, a thermosonic flip-chip bonding method using vibration in the lateral direction is proposed. To enhance the reliability and alignment of the specimen after the thermosonic process, an elastic region of anisotropic conductive film (ACF) joints is investigated, within which ultrasonic v...

참고문헌 (16)

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