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Application to Noninvasive Measurement of Blood Components Based on Infrared Spectroscopy

電氣學會論文誌. IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. C : 電子·情報·システム, v.127 no.5, 2007년, pp.686 - 691  

Tamura, Kazuto ,  Ishizawa, Hiroaki ,  Fujita, Keiichi ,  Kaneko, Wataru ,  Morikawa, Tomotaka ,  Toba, Eiji ,  Kobayashi, Hideo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recently, lifestyle diseases (diabetics, hyperlipemia etc.) have been steadily increasing, because change of diet, lack of exercise, increase an alcoholic intake, and increase a stress. It is a matter of vital importance to us. About tens of millions of people in Japan have approached the danger of ...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. T. IEE Japan K. Fujita and K. Tamura at el 124 1759 2004 

  2. Fujita, Keiichi, Tamura, Kazuto, Kaneko, Wataru, Ishizawa, Hiroaki, Toba, Eiji. Development of Noninvasive Blood Glucose Sensor Using the Infrared Spectroscopy. 電氣學會論文誌. IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. C : 電子·情報·システム, vol.124, no.9, 1759-1765.

  3. (2) K. Fujita, Y. Sakai, and K. Tamura at el : “Development of noninvasive blood glucose sensor using the infrared spectroscopy”, Proceedings of 32 nd Meeting on Lightwave Sensing Technology, pp. 65-70 (2003) (in Japanese) 

  4. 藤田圭一.酒井通友.田村一人.兼子 亘.石澤?明.鳥羽?治:「赤外分光法を用いた非侵襲血糖値測定センサの開?」,第32回光波センシング技術?究?講演論文集, pp. 65-70 (2003) 

  5. (3) K. Tamura at el : Measurement of blood glucose by optical sensing, The institute of electronics, information and communication engineers technical report, Vol. 102, No. 341, pp. 45-48 (2002) 

  6. (4) K. Fujita at el : Measurement of blood glucose by infrared spectroscopic analysis, Proceedings of Japanese society for medical and biological engineering branch of koshinetsu nagano area symposium, pp. 19-20 (2003) 

  7. (5) K. Tamura at el : Noninvasive measurement of blood glucose based on optical sensing, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 1970-1974 (2004) 

  8. (6) K. Tamura at el : Noninvasive measurement of blood glucose based on infrared spectroscopy, Proceedings of the 24th JSMBE Kou-Shin-Etsu Branch Conference 2004 Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE), pp. 28-29 (2004) 

  9. 赤外分光法 尾崎幸洋 19 1998 

  10. ケモメトリックス 相島鐵? 103 1992 

  11. Evaluating Clinical Accuracy of Systems for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose, Diabets Care William L. Clarke, Daniel Cox, Lind 10 622 1987 

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