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[해외논문] Characteristics of Tropopause and Tropopause Inversion Layer in the Polar Region

Scientific online letters on the atmosphere : SOLA, v.5, 2009년, pp.141 - 144  

Tomikawa, Yoshihiro (National Institute of Polar Research) ,  Nishimura, Yashiro (Nikon Systems Inc.) ,  Yamanouchi, Takashi (National Institute of Polar Research)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Characteristics of the thermal and ozone tropopauses and the tropopause inversion layer (TIL) in the Antarctic and Arctic are investigated using high vertical resolution ozonesonde data. The ozone tropopause is clearly defined even in the Antarctic winter and spring in which the thermal tropopause i...

참고문헌 (15)

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