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[해외논문] Tropical tropopause layer 원문보기

Reviews of geophysics, v.47 no.1, 2009년, pp.2008RG000267 -   

Fueglistaler, S. (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge Cambridge UK) ,  Dessler, A. E. (Department of Atmospheric Sciences Texas A&M University College Station Texas USA) ,  Dunkerton, T. J. (NorthWest Research Associates Redmond Washington USA) ,  Folkins, I. (Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada) ,  Fu, Q. (Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington Seattle Washington USA) ,  Mote, P. W. (NorthWest Research Associates Redmond Washington USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Observations of temperature, winds, and atmospheric trace gases suggest that the transition from troposphere to stratosphere occurs in a layer, rather than at a sharp “tropopause.” In the tropics, this layer is often called the “tropical tropopause layer” (TTL). We present an...

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