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[해외논문] Computational Plenoptic Imaging

Computer graphics forum : journal of the European Association for Computer Graphics, v.30 no.8, 2011년, pp.2397 - 2426  

Wetzstein, Gordon (University of British Columbia, Canada gordonw@media.mit.edu and heidrich@cs.ubc.ca) ,  Ihrke, Ivo (Universitä) ,  Lanman, Douglas (t des Saarlandes) ,  Heidrich, Wolfgang (inf.mpg.de)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe plenoptic function is a ray‐based model for light that includes the colour spectrum as well as spatial, temporal and directional variation. Although digital light sensors have greatly evolved in the last years, one fundamental limitation remains: all standard CCD and CMOS sensors i...


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