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[해외논문] Frei im Cytoplasma liegende Melanin-synthetisierende Membrananordnungen beim malignen Melanom
Membran-like, melanin forming structures in the cytoplasm of melanoma cells

Archiv für dermatologische Forschung, v.241 no.2, 1971년, pp.115 - 121  

Klingm�ller, G. ,  Schmoeckel, Chr

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SummaryA further report on the presence of membran-like, melanin forming streaky structures occuring freely in the cytoplasm of melanoma cells is given. They consist of parallel and slightly sheared filaments....


ZusammenfassungErneut wird über das Vorkommen frei im Cytoplasma von Melanomzellen liegender, Melanin-synthetisierender, streifiger Membrananordnungen berichtet. Diese bestehen aus Filamenten, die parallel und wechselständig leicht versetzt angeordnet sind.

참고문헌 (8)

  1. Arch. Derm. Syph. (Chic.) T. B. Fitzpatrick 65 379 1952 10.1001/archderm.1952.01530230003001 Fitzpatrick, T. B.: The tyrosinase reaction in pigment cell neoplasm with particular reference to malignant melanoma. Arch. Derm. Syph. (Chic.)65, 379?391 (1952). 

  2. T. B. Fitzpatrick 913 1968 Melanin biosynthesis in melanomas ?: Melanin biosynthesis in melanomas. XIII Congr. Int. Derm. M�nchen 1967, pp. 913?914. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1968. 

  3. Derm. Mschr. G. Klingm�ller 156 308 1970 Klingm�ller, G., Reuter, G., Rodermund, E. O., Schmoeckel, Chr.: Die Submikrcskopie des malignen Melanoms. Derm. Mschr.156, 308?312 (1970). 

  4. Reuter, G. D.: �ber den submikroskopischen Aufbau des malignen Melanoms. Dissertation, Bonn 1970. 

  5. M. Seiji 123 1966 10.1007/978-3-642-99906-2_16 Structure and control of the melanocyte Seiji, M.: Subcellular tyrosinase activity and site of melanogenesis in melanocytes. In: Structure and control of the melanocyte, pp. 123?133. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1966. 

  6. M. Seiji 183 1967 Ultrastructure of normal and abnormal skin ?: Melanogenesis. In: Ultrastructure of normal and abnormal skin, pp. 183?201, edited by A. S. Zelickson. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger 1967. 

  7. A. S. Zelickson 96 1963 Electron microscopy of skin and mucous membrane Zelickson, A. S.: The melanocyte and the melanin granule: In: Electron microscopy of skin and mucous membrane, pp. 96?113. Springfield, Ill.: Ch. C. Thomas 1963. 

  8. A. S. Zelickson 163 1967 Ultrastructure of normal and abnormal skin ?: Melanocyte, melanin granule and Langerhans cell. In: Ultrastructure of normal and abnormal skin, pp. 163?182. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger 1967. 

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