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[해외논문] Anaerobic digestibility of algal bioethanol residue

Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies, v.113, 2012년, pp.78 - 82  

Park, J.H. (Department of Environmental Engineering, Daegu University, Jillyang, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-714, South Korea) ,  Yoon, J.J. ,  Park, H.D. ,  Lim, D.J. ,  Kim, S.H.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The aim of this work was to investigate anaerobic digestibility of algal bioethanol residue from saccharification and fermentation processes. A series of batch anaerobic digestion tests using saccharification and fermentation residue showed that the maximum methane yields of saccharifica...


참고문헌 (23)

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