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[해외논문] Medial Distal Tibial Angle: Comparison between Weightbearing Mortise View and Hindfoot Alignment View

Foot & ankle international, v.33 no.8, 2012년, pp.655 - 661  

Barg, Alexej ,  Harris, Michael D. ,  Henninger, Heath B. ,  Amendola, Richard L. ,  Saltzman, Charles L ,  Hintermann, Beat ,  Anderson, Andrew E

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: The medial distal tibial angle (MDTA) is used to determine ankle alignment. The mortise view is the standard to measure MDTA, but the hindfoot alignment view (HAV) has become popular. The MDTA may vary between views, influencing the choice of surgery. Methods: The MDTA was compared betw...

참고문헌 (22)

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  8. Knupp, Markus, Ledermann, Hanspeter, Magerkurth, Olaf, Hinterman, Beat. The Surgical Tibiotalar Angle: A Radiologic Study. Foot & ankle international, vol.26, no.9, 713-716.

  9. Knupp, Markus, Stufkens, Sjoerd A.S., Bolliger, Lilianna, Barg, Alexej, Hintermann, Beat. Classification and Treatment of Supramalleolar Deformities. Foot & ankle international, vol.32, no.11, 1023-1031.

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