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[해외논문] Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris on wastewater containing high levels of ammonia for biodiesel production

Bioresource technology : biomass, bioenergy, biowastes, conversion technologies, biotransformations, production technologies, v.129, 2013년, pp.177 - 181  

He, P.J. ,  Mao, B. ,  Shen, C.M. ,  Shao, L.M. ,  Lee, D.J. ,  Chang, J.S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The feasibility of cultivating Chlorella vulgaris with wastewater containing high ammonia nitrogen concentrations was examined. The average specific growth rate of C. vulgaris was 0.92d-1 at 17mgL-1 NH4+-N, but declined to 0.33d-1 at NH4+-N concentrations of 39-143mgL-1. At 39mgL-1 NH4+-N, lipid pro...


참고문헌 (30)

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