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[해외논문] High primary productivity and f-ratio in summer in the Ulleung basin of the East/Japan Sea

Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers, v.79, 2013년, pp.74 - 85  

Kwak, J.H. ,  Hwang, J. ,  Choy, E.J. ,  Park, H.J. ,  Kang, D.J. ,  Lee, T. ,  Chang, K.I. ,  Kim, K.R. ,  Kang, C.K.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To better understand the cause of high summer primary productivity in the Ulleung Basin located in the southwest part of the East/Japan Sea, the spatial dynamics of primary, new, and regenerated productivities (PP, NP, and RP) were examined along the path of the Tsushima Warm Current system in summe...


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