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Molecular cloning and expression analysis of two lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α factors (LITAFs) from rock bream, Oplegnathus fasciatus

Fish & shellfish immunology, v.36 no.2, 2014년, pp.467 - 474  

Hwang, S.D. ,  Shim, S.H. ,  Kwon, M.G. ,  Chae, Y.S. ,  Shim, W.J. ,  Jung, J.H. ,  Kim, J.W. ,  Park, C.I.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α factor (LITAF) plays an important role controlling the expression of TNF-α and the other cytokine genes in the presence of LPS. However, two LITAF homologues have not been characterized in fish. In this study, we cloned two d...


참고문헌 (42)

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