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Combination antidepressant therapy for major depressive disorder: Speed and probability of remission

Journal of psychiatric research, v.52, 2014년, pp.7 - 14  

Stewart, J.W. ,  McGrath, P.J. ,  Blondeau, C. ,  Deliyannides, D.A. ,  Hellerstein, D. ,  Norris, S. ,  Amat, J. ,  Pilowsky, D.J. ,  Tessier, P. ,  Laberge, L. ,  O'Shea, D. ,  Chen, Y. ,  Withers, A. ,  Bergeron, R. ,  Blier, P.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Introduction: Only about a third of patients with an episode of major depressive disorder remit with a given treatment and few remissions occur within the first weeks of treatment. This study tested whether combining escitalopram and bupropion as initial treatment would result in quicker remission a...


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