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Radioactive nuclide labeled propiophenone compounds 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07C-025/024
  • C07C-103/30
  • C07G-007/00
  • G01N-033/54
출원번호 US-0140165 (1980-04-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Findlay John W. A. (Chapel Hill NC) Butz Robert F. (Durham NC) Welch Richard M. (Raleigh NC)
출원인 / 주소
  • Burroughs Wellcome Co. (Research Triangle Park NC 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 3


A radioimmunoassay procedure has been discovered for bupropion [(±)-2-t-butylamino-3-chloropropiophenone], an antidepressant compound, in biological fluids. Novel compounds of formula [Figure] wherein either R2 is oxygen and R1 is (CH2)n-O-(CO)m-(CH2)p-COOH where n is an integer from 0 to 5, m is 0


A compound of the formula [Figure] wherein R4 is a radioisotope.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Manghisi Elso (Monza IT) Cascio Giuseppe (Monza IT), 1,3-Disubstituted 3-aroylpropanes and process for the preparation thereof.
  2. Avenia Richard William (Nutley NJ) Christenson James Gordon (North Caldwell NJ) Pecherer Benjamin (Montclair NJ), Immunoassay for pharmacologically active phenethylamines.
  3. Ikezaki ; Muneyoshi ; Okazaki ; Yashushi ; Ito ; Nobuo ; Hoshiyama ; Mas ao ; Nagao ; Taku ; Nakajima ; Hiromichi, Novel benzylalcohol derivatives and processes for preparing the same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Qun Kevin Fang ; Chrisantha Hugh Senanayake ; Paul Grover, Bupropion metabolites and methods of use.
  2. Thomas P. Jerussi ; John R. McCullough ; Chrisantha H. Senanayake ; Qun K. Fang, Bupropion metabolites and methods of use.
  3. James W. Young, Method for treating depression using optically pure (-)-bupropion.
  4. John R. McCullough ; Paul D. Rubin, Methods and compositions for aiding in smoking cessation and for treating pain and other disorders using optically pure (+)-bupropion.
  5. John R. McCullough ; Paul D. Rubin, Methods and compositions for treating chronic disorders using optically pure (+)-bupropion.
  6. Young James W., Methods for treating Parkinson's disease using optically pure (-)-bupropion.
  7. James W. Young, Methods for treating depression and other disorders using optically pure (-)-bupropion.
  8. Young James W., Methods for treating obesity and weight gain using optically pure (-)-bupropion.
  9. Ascher,John A.; Johnston,Joseph Andrews; Learned Coughlin,Susan Marie; Bye,Alan, Pharmaceutically active morpholinol.
  10. Broom, Toby; Delpogetto, Monica; Atkins, Richard; Negus, Alan; Oxley, Paul William, Pharmaceutically active morpholinol.
  11. Musso,David Lee, Pharmaceutically active morpholinol.
  12. Partridge, John Joseph, Pharmaceutically active morpholinol.
  13. Ruff Michael D. ; Kalidindi Sanvasi R. ; Sutton ; Jr. Joel Elmore, Stabilized pharmaceutical.
  14. Ruff Michael David ; Kalidindi Sanyasi Raju ; Sutton ; Jr. Joel Elmore, Stabilized pharmaceutical composition containing bupropion.
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