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Toward a cloud-based manufacturing execution system for distributed manufacturing

Computers in industry, v.65 no.4, 2014년, pp.646 - 656  

Helo, Petri (University of Vaasa, Networked Value Systems) ,  Suorsa, Mikko (University of Vaasa, Networked Value Systems) ,  Hao, Yuqiuge (University of Vaasa, Networked Value Systems) ,  Anussornnitisarn, Pornthep (International Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Kasetsart University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract This paper illustrates the needs and challenges for the management of distributed manufacturing in a multi-company supply chain and processes these further as features of new IT systems. Requirements are collected from manufacturing companies and combined with insights from literature in t...


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