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[국내논문] Flora of vascular plants in the Chilgapsan Provincial Park, Korea 원문보기

Journal of Asia Pacific biodiversity, v.7 no.3, 2014년, pp.237 - 247  

Lee, R.Y. ,  Jang, H.D. ,  Kim, Y.Y. ,  Yang, S.G. ,  Choi, H.J. ,  Ji, S.J. ,  Oh, B.U.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The flora of Chilgapsan Provincial Park in Cheongyang-gun (Chungcheongnam-do), Korea was surveyed from 2000 to 2014. In 19 field surveys, vascular plants were revealed 490 taxa belonging to 97 families, 309 genera, 433 species, four subspecies, 48 varieties, and five forms. Plants of various categor...


참고문헌 (33)

  1. Chang 2012 A field guide to Korean woody plants 

  2. Bulletin of the Arboretum Seoul National University Chang 17 1 1997 The distribution of the woody plants of South Korea based on herbarium material of Kwanak Arboretum (III) Betulaceae 

  3. Cheongyang-gun 

  4. Hoshino 2011 Illustrated sedges of Japan 

  5. Korean Journal of Nature Conservation Jang 8 71 2010 10.30960/kjnc.2010.8.2.71 Flora of Mt. Chilgap 

  6. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy Kim 28 117 1998 10.11110/kjpt.1998.28.2.117 Natural habit of Prunus yedoensis Matsumura and its morphological variation 

  7. Journal of Photo Geography Kim 20 1 2010 Distribution geomorphological landscape resources of Mt. Chil-gap, and its features 

  8. Kim 2011 Woody plants of Korean Peninsula 

  9. Korea National Arboretum, The Plant Taxonomic Society of Korea 2007 A synonymic list of vascular plants in Korea 

  10. Korean Fern Society 2005 Ferns and fern allies of Korea 

  11. Lee 2008 Rare plants data book in Korea 

  12. Lee 2012 A taxonomic study of the genus Hypericum (Guttiferae) in Korea 

  13. Lee 2007 The genera of vascular plants of Korea Prunus 

  14. Bulletin of the Kwanak Arboretum Lee 1 1 1976 10.5962/bhl.part.28160 Vascular plants and their uses in Korea 

  15. Lee vol. I, II 2003 

  16. Lee 1996 Coloured standard illustrations of Korean plants 

  17. Report of the Korean Association for Conservation of Nature Lee 17 63 1979 Flora of Mt. Gyryong and Mt. Chilgap 

  18. Lee 2002 Plant geography 

  19. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy Lee 41 87 2011 10.11110/kjpt.2011.41.1.087 Study on the current status of naturalized plants in South Korea 

  20. Melchior 1964 An Engler' Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien 

  21. Ministry of Environment 2006 The investigation guide for specially designated species by floristic region 

  22. Oh 2005 Endemic vascular plants in the Korean Peninsula 

  23. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy Oh 29 201 1999 10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.3.201 A taxonomic review of Korean Corydalis (Fumariaceae) 

  24. Oh 2009 Flora of Jeongsan (Chilgapsan) and its adjacent regions. Report of the 3rd National Natural Environment Research 

  25. Oh 2000 Flora of Chilgapsan (Cheongyang) and its adjacent regions. Report of the 2nd National Natural Environment Research 

  26. Oh 2005 Distribution maps of vascular plants of Korean Peninsula, 2. South Province (Jeolla-do & Jirisan) 

  27. Oh 2010 300 Target plants adaptable to climate change in the Korean Peninsula 

  28. Park 2012 A systematic study of the genus Artemisia (Asteraceae) in Korea 

  29. Park 2009 New illustrations and photographs of naturalized plants of Korea 

  30. Park 2008 Illustrated pteridophytes of Korea 

  31. Park 2011 Illustrated grasses of Korea. Revised and enlarged edition 

  32. Yang 2012 Illustrated conifers of Korea 

  33. Report of the Myongji University Yu 9 615 1976 A study on the plant resources of Mt. Chilgap 

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