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[해외논문] The risk of serious infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors decreased over time: a report from the registry of Japanese rheumatoid arthritis patients on biologics for long-term safety (REAL) database

Rheumatology international, v.34 no.12, 2014년, pp.1729 - 1736  

Sakai, Ryoko ,  Cho, Soo-Kyung ,  Nanki, Toshihiro ,  Koike, Ryuji ,  Watanabe, Kaori ,  Yamazaki, Hayato ,  Nagasawa, Hayato ,  Amano, Koichi ,  Tanaka, Yoshiya ,  Sumida, Takayuki ,  Ihata, Atsushi ,  Yasuda, Shinsuke ,  Nakajima, Atsuo ,  Sugihara, Takahiko ,  Tamura, Naoto ,  Fujii, Takao ,  Dobashi, Hiroaki ,  Miura, Yasushi ,  Miyasaka, Nobuyuki ,  Harigai, Masayoshi

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (20)

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