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Durable press finishing of cotton fabrics: An overview

Textile research journal : publication of Textile Research Institute, Inc. and the Textile Foundation, v.83 no.18, 2013년, pp.1974 - 1995  

Dehabadi, Vahid Ameri (Deutsches Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West gGmbH (DTNW), Institut an der Universitä) ,  Buschmann, Hans-Jürgen (t Duisburg-Essen –) ,  Gutmann, Jochen Stefan (Supramolecular and Polymer Chemistry, Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Durable press (DP) or easy care finishing is almost always used for cotton fabrics or textiles with a high content of cellulosic fibers. This finish provides resistance against shrinkage and improved wet and dry wrinkle recovery to cellulosic textiles. Inhibition of easy movement of the cellulose ch...


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