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[해외논문] Lamb meat colour values (HunterLab CIE and reflectance) are influenced by aperture size (5mm v. 25mm)

Meat science, v.100, 2015년, pp.202 - 208  

Holman, B.W.B. ,  Ponnampalam, E.N. ,  van de Ven, R.J. ,  Kerr, M.G. ,  Hopkins, D.L.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The effect of aperture size on the assessment of lamb meat colour values (L*, a*, b* and R630/580) was investigated. Two experiments using 2 HunterLab MiniScan colorimeters (large [25mm] and small [5mm] apertures) were conducted: 1) coloured tiles were measured and 2) unaged lamb (n=65) m. longissim...


참고문헌 (26)

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