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Influence of Sunflower Seed Oil on the Skin Barrier Function of Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Dermatology : international journal for clinical and investigational dermatology, v.229 no.3, 2014년, pp.230 - 239  

Kanti, Varvara (Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Clinical Research Center for Hair and Skin Science, and Departments of) ,  Grande, Claudia (Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Clinical Research Center for Hair and Skin Science, and Departments of) ,  Stroux, Andrea (Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology and) ,  Bührer, Christoph (Neonatology, Charité) ,  Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike (Universitä) ,  Garcia Bartels, Natalie (tsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackground: Inadequate skin care may increase morbidity in preterm infants. Skin care practices that support skin maturation have barely been investigated. Objectives: To investigate the effect of sunflower seed oil (SSO) on skin barrier development in low-birth-weight premature infants. Met...


참고문헌 (31)

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  14. Garcia Bartels, N., Mleczko, A., Schink, T., Proquitté, H., Wauer, R.R., Blume-Peytavi, U.. Influence of Bathing or Washing on Skin Barrier Function in Newborns during the First Four Weeks of Life. Skin pharmacology and physiology, vol.22, no.5, 248-257.

  15. Garcia Bartels, Natalie, Scheufele, Ramona, Prosch, Franziska, Schink, Tania, Proquitté, Hans, Wauer, Roland R., Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike. Effect of Standardized Skin Care Regimens on Neonatal Skin Barrier Function in Different Body Areas. Pediatric dermatology, vol.27, no.1, 1-8.

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  17. Garcia Bartels, Natalie, Massoudy, Lida, Scheufele, Ramona, Dietz, Ekkehart, Proquitté, Hans, Wauer, Roland, Bertin, Christiane, Serrano, José, Blume‐Peytavi, Ulrike. Standardized Diaper Care Regimen: A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Study on Skin Barrier Function and Epidermal IL‐1α in Newborns. Pediatric dermatology, vol.29, no.3, 270-276.

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