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Inflammatory bowel disease 원문보기

Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, v.50 no.6, 2015년, pp.748 - 762  

Vatn, Morten H. (Institute of Clinical Medicine, Campus Ahus, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway) ,  Sandvik, Arne K. (Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, St. Olav’s University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Scandinavian researchers have contributed to the present understanding of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Important epidemiological data and family risk factors have been reported from all the Nordic countries, original twin studies mainly from Denmark and Sweden, and relationships to cancer and s...


참고문헌 (184)

  1. Wolters, F L. Crohn's disease: increased mortality 10 years after diagnosis in a Europe-wide population based cohort. Gut: journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology, vol.55, no.4, 510-518.

  2. Hoie, O, Schouten, L J, Wolters, F L, Solberg, I C, Riis, L, Mouzas, I A, Politi, P, Odes, S, Langholz, E, Vatn, M, Stockbrugger, R W, Moum, B. Ulcerative colitis: no rise in mortality in a European-wide population based cohort 10 years after diagnosis. Gut: journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology, vol.56, no.4, 497-503.

  3. Huppertz-Hauss, Gert, Høivik, Marte Lie, Langholz, Ebbe, Odes, Selwyn, Småstuen, Milada, Stockbrugger, Reinhold, Hoff, Geir, Moum, Bjørn, Bernklev, Tomm. Health-related Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a European-wide Population-based Cohort 10 Years After Diagnosis. Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol.21, no.2, 337-344.

  4. Moum, B., Ekbom, A., Vatn, M. H., Aadland, E., Sauar, J., Lygren, I., Schulz, T., Stray, N., Fausa, O.. Clinical Course during the 1st Year after Diagnosis in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease: Results of a Large, Prospective Population-based Study in Southeastern Norway, 1990-93. Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology, vol.32, no.10, 1005-1012.

  5. Geboes, Karel, Colombel, Jean-Frédéric, Greenstein, Adrian, Jewell, Derek P., Sandborn, William J., Vatn, Morten H., Warren, Bryan, Riddell, Robert H.. Indeterminate colitis: A review of the concept - Whatʼs in a name? :. Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol.14, no.6, 850-857.

  6. Hoie, Ole, Wolters, Frank L., Riis, Lene, Bernklev, Tomm, Aamodt, Geir, Clofent, Juan, Tsianos, Epaminondas, Beltrami, Marina, Odes, Selwyn, Munkholm, Pia, Vatn, Morten, Stockbrügger, Reinhold W., Moum, Bjorn. Low Colectomy Rates in Ulcerative Colitis in an Unselected European Cohort Followed for 10 Years. Gastroenterology, vol.132, no.2, 507-515.

  7. Solberg, Inger Camilla, Vatn, Morten H., Høie, Ole, Stray, Njaal, Sauar, Jostein, Jahnsen, Jørgen, Moum, Bjørn, Lygren, Idar. Clinical Course in Crohn’s Disease: Results of a Norwegian Population-Based Ten-Year Follow-Up Study. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, vol.5, no.12, 1430-1438.

  8. SVARTZ, NANNA. Salazopyrin, a new sulfanilamide preparation. A. Therapeutic Results in Rheumatic Polyarthritis. B. Therapeutic Results in Ulcerative Colitis. C. Toxic Manifestations in Treatment with Sulfanilamide Preparations.. Acta medica Scandinavica, vol.110, no.6, 577-598.

  9. Ford, Alexander C, Sandborn, William J, Khan, Khurram J, Hanauer, Stephen B, Talley, Nicholas J, Moayyedi, Paul. Efficacy of Biological Therapies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. The American journal of gastroenterology : official publication of the National Gastroenterological Association, vol.106, no.4, 644-659.

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  11. Lazarev, Mark, Ullman, Thomas, Schraut, Wolfgang H., Kip, Kevin E., Saul, Melissa, Regueiro, Miguel. Small bowel resection rates in Crohnʼs disease and the indication for surgery over time: Experience from a large tertiary care center :. Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol.16, no.5, 830-835.

  12. Ekbom, Anders, Helmick, Charles, Zack, Matthew, Adami, Hans-Olov. Ulcerative Colitis and Colorectal Cancer : A Population-Based Study. The New England journal of medicine, vol.323, no.18, 1228-1233.

  13. Ekbom, A., Adami, H.-O., Helmick, C., Zack, M.. Increased risk of large-bowel cancer in Crohn's disease with colonic involvement. The Lancet, vol.336, no.8711, 357-359.

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  17. ZHENG, Jia Ju, ZHU, Xia Shuang, HUANGFU, Zhao, GAO, Zhi Xin, GUO, Zhi Rong, WANG, Zhen. Crohn's disease in mainland China: a systematic analysis of 50 years of research. Chinese journal of digestive diseases, vol.6, no.4, 175-181.

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  23. Ng, Siew C, Bernstein, Charles N, Vatn, Morten H, Lakatos, Peter Laszlo, Loftus Jr, Edward V, Tysk, Curt, O'Morain, Colm, Moum, Bjorn, Colombel, Jean-Frédéric. Geographical variability and environmental risk factors in inflammatory bowel disease. Gut: journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology, vol.62, no.4, 630-649.

  24. Wolters, F L. Phenotype at diagnosis predicts recurrence rates in Crohn's disease. Gut: journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology, vol.55, no.8, 1124-1130.

  25. Bernstein, Charles N, Wajda, Andre, Svenson, Lawrence W, MacKenzie, Adrian, Koehoorn, Mieke, Jackson, Maureen, Fedorak, Richard, Israel, David, Blanchard, James F. The Epidemiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Canada: A Population-Based Study. The American journal of gastroenterology : official publication of the National Gastroenterological Association, vol.101, no.7, 1559-1568.

  26. Glick, Sarah R., Carvalho, Ryan S.. Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Pediatrics in review, vol.32, no.1, 14-25.

  27. Halfvarson, Jonas, Bodin, Lennart, Tysk, Curt, Lindberg, Eva, Järnerot, Gunnar. Inflammatory bowel disease in a Swedish twin cohort: a long-term follow-up of concordance and clinical characteristics. Gastroenterology, vol.124, no.7, 1767-1773.

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  29. Bengtson, May-Bente, Solberg, Camilla, Aamodt, Geir, Jahnsen, Jørgen, Moum, Bjørn, Sauar, Jostein, Vatn, Morten H.. Clustering in time of familial IBD separates ulcerative colitis from Crohnʼs disease :. Inflammatory bowel diseases, vol.15, no.12, 1867-1874.

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  71. Amre, Devendra K., Lambrette, Philippe, Law, Liliane, Krupoves, Alfreda, Chotard, Virginie, Costea, Florin, Grimard, Guy, Israel, David, Mack, David, Seidman, Ernest G.. Investigating the Hygiene Hypothesis as a Risk Factor in Pediatric Onset Crohn's Disease: A Case-Control Study. The American journal of gastroenterology : official publication of the National Gastroenterological Association, vol.101, no.5, 1005-1011.

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