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[해외논문] Indenter Shape Characterization for the Nanoindentation Measurement of Nanostructured and Other Types of Materials 원문보기

Physics procedia, v.72, 2015년, pp.194 - 198  

Useinov, A.S. ,  Kravchuk, K.S. ,  Rusakov, A.A. ,  Krasnogorov, I.V. ,  Kuznetsov, A.P. ,  Kazieva, T.V.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A review and comparison of different techniques for indenter shape characterization have been carried out. The techniques considered in this study are: a series of indentations in a reference material with known mechanical properties, a direct AFM observation of indenter apex and SPM imaging of cali...


참고문헌 (18)

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