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[해외논문] Resveratrol inhibits rhinovirus replication and expression of inflammatory mediators in nasal epithelia

Antiviral research, v.123, 2015년, pp.15 - 21  

Mastromarino, P. ,  Capobianco, D. ,  Cannata, F. ,  Nardis, C. ,  Mattia, E. ,  De Leo, A. ,  Restignoli, R. ,  Francioso, A. ,  Mosca, L.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Human rhinoviruses (HRV), the cause of common colds, are the most frequent precipitants of acute exacerbation of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as causes of other serious respiratory diseases. No vaccine or antiviral agents are available for the prevention or treatment of ...


참고문헌 (48)

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