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High brightness turquoise light-emitting diodes based on ZnO microwires

RSC advances, v.5 no.109, 2015년, pp.89895 - 89899  

Wang, Dengkui (State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications) ,  Wang, Fei (State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications) ,  Zhao, Bin (State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications) ,  Wang, Yunpeng (State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications) ,  Zhao, Dongxu (State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ZnO microwire clusters have been fabricated by a chemical vapor deposition method on copper foil. Bright green luminescence was obtained when the sample was excited by an ultraviolet lamp. The mechanism of green luminescence and the relationship of point defect with emission were analyzed in detail....

참고문헌 (32)

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