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[해외논문] Use of a Robotic Device for the Rehabilitation of Severe Upper Limb Paresis in Subacute Stroke: Exploration of Patient/Robot Interactions and the Motor Recovery Process 원문보기

BioMed research international, v.2015, 2015년, pp.482389 -   

Duret, Christophe (CRF Les Trois Soleils, Mé) ,  Courtial, Ophélie (decine Physique et de Ré) ,  Grosmaire, Anne-Gaëlle (adaptation, Unité) ,  Hutin, Emilie (de Ré)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This pioneering observational study explored the interaction between subacute stroke inpatients and a rehabilitation robot during upper limb training. 25 stroke survivors (age 55 ± 17 years; time since stroke, 52 ± 21 days) with severe upper limb paresis carried out 16 sessions of robot-assisted sho...

참고문헌 (43)

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