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[해외논문] DVWA gene polymorphisms and osteoarthritis 원문보기

BMC research notes, v.8, 2015년, pp.30 -   

Bravatà, Valentina (IBFM CNR-LATO, Cefalù) ,  Minafra, Luigi (, PA Italy) ,  Forte, Giusi I (IBFM CNR-LATO, Cefalù) ,  Cammarata, Francesco P (, PA Italy) ,  Saporito, Michele (IBFM CNR-LATO, Cefalù) ,  Boniforti, Filippo (, PA Italy) ,  Lio, Domenico (IBFM CNR-LATO, Cefalù) ,  Gilardi, Maria C (, PA Italy) ,  Messa, Cristina (Clinica Ortopedica e Traumatologica, Università)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BackgroundOsteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joints disorder influenced by genetic predisposition. We reported that rs11718863 DVWA SNP was represented in Sicilian with a more severe Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) radiographic grade, displaying its predictive role as OA marker progression. Here, we d...


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