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[해외논문] Incineration or Autoclave? A Comparative Study in Isfahan Hospitals Waste Management System (2010) 원문보기

Materia socio-medica, v.25 no.1, 2013년, pp.48 - 51  

Ferdowsi, Ali (Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Moallem University of Tehran Shahid Mofatteh St, Tehran, Iran) ,  Ferdosi, Masoud (Health Care and Services Management, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Isfahan, Iran) ,  Mehrani, Mohammd Javad (Department of Civil Engineering. Islamic Azad University of Khomenishahr, Khomenishahr, Iran)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Introduction:Medical wastes are among hazardous wastes and their disposal requires special methods prior to landfilling. Medical wastes are divided into infected and non-infected wastes and the infected wastes require treatment. Incineration is one of the oldest methods for treatment of medical wast...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. 1 Medical Wastes Administrative Management Regulations of Waste Management Law of Iran Commission of Sub Structural Affairs, Industry and Environment 2008 (in Farsi) 

  2. 2 Omrani Q Etabi F Sadeghi M Banaei B The Comparison of Technical, Environmental and economical Aspects of Autoclaving, Incineration and Landfilling in Medical wastes Disposal Environ Sci & Tech, 2. Wastes management law 2007 1383/02/02 

  3. 3 Iran Wastes Management Law 1383/02/02 (22/04/2005) (in Farsi) 

  4. 4 Pruss A Giroult E Rushbrook P Safe Management of Wastes from Health Care Activities Chapter 8: Treatment and Disposal Technologies for Health- Care Waste 1999 World Health Organization 77 112 

  5. 5 Inventory of Sources of Dioxin in the United States (EPA/600/ P-98/002Aa) 1998 National Center for Environmental Assessment, USEPA 2 13 

  6. 6 Emmanuel J Puccia CJ Spurgin RA Non-incineration medical waste treatment technologies 2001 Washington, DC Health Care without Harm 

  7. 7 Cole E Application of Disinfection and Sterilization to Infectious Waste Management North Carolina Board of Science and Technology 1997 

  8. 8 Forbes BA Sahm DF Weissfeld AS Diagnostic Microbiology 2002 11th ed St. Louis Mo. Bailey and Scott’s 19 

  9. 9 Prόss A Giroult E Rushbrook P Safe management of wastes from health-care activities 2010 Geneva, Switzerland World Health Organization (WHO) Available from: www.who.int/entity/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/wastemanag/en/ [Last cited on 1999] 

  10. 10 Al-Khatib IA Al-Qaroot YS Ali-Shtayeh MS Management of healthcare waste in circumstances of limited resources: A case study in the hospitals of Nablus city, Palestine Waste Manag Res 2009 27 305 312 19423582 

  11. 11 Gautam V Thapar R Sharma M Biomedical waste management: Incineration vs. environmental safety Indian J Med Microbial 2010 28 191 192 

  12. 12 Radian Corporation Medical Waste Incineration Emission Test Report Research Triangle Park 1991 

  13. 13 Keyvani N Environmental Standards and regulations Green Circle Pub, Environmental Protection Organization 1382 (in Farsi) 

  14. 14 Mehmet Emin Birpınar and Mehmet Sinan Bilgili and Tuğba Erdoğan. Medical waste management in Turkey: A case study of Istanbul Waste Management 2009 29 1 445 448 18550354 

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