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[해외논문] Roles of Residual Stress in Dynamic Refresh Failure of a Buried-Recessed-Channel-Array Transistor (B-CAT) in DRAM

IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, v.37 no.7, 2016년, pp.859 - 861  

Park, Segeun (Memory Division, DRAM PA Team, Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Seo, Hyeongwon (Memory Division, DRAM PA Team, Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Oh, Jeonghoon (Memory Division, DRAM PA Team, Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Kim, Ilgweon (Memory Division, DRAM PA Team, Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Hong, Hyoungsun (Memory Division, DRAM PA Team, Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Jin, Gyoyoung (Memory Division, DRAM PA Team, Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Roh, Yonghan

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We clarify the role of metal gates (e.g., TiN) on the degradation of the state-of-the-art buried-channel-array transistor (B-CAT) in dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips. Unless the thermal budget during the processing step for integration is well controlled, residual stress caused by grain gro...

참고문헌 (13)

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  9. Yang, T.-C., Saraswat, K.C.. Effect of physical stress on the degradation of thin SiO2 films under electrical stress. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.47, no.4, 746-755.

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  13. Harada, Yoshinao, Eriguchi, Koji, Niwa, Masaaki, Watanabe, Takanobu, Ohdomari, Iwao. Impact of Structural Strained Layer near SiO2/Si Interface on Activation Energy of Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown. Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1, Regular papers, short notes and review papers, vol.39, no.b7, 4687-4691.

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