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[해외논문] Cystathionine metabolic enzymes play a role in the inflammation resolution of human keratinocytes in response to sub-cytotoxic formaldehyde exposure

Toxicology and applied pharmacology, v.310, 2016년, pp.185 - 194  

Lee, E. ,  Kim, H.J. ,  Lee, M. ,  Jin, S.H. ,  Hong, S.H. ,  Ahn, S. ,  Kim, S.O. ,  Shin, D.W. ,  Lee, S.T. ,  Noh, M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Low-level formaldehyde exposure is inevitable in industrialized countries. Although daily-life formaldehyde exposure level is practically impossible to induce cell death, most of mechanistic studies related to formaldehyde toxicity have been performed in cytotoxic concentrations enough to trigger ce...


참고문헌 (48)

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