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[해외논문] Research and development of Cordyceps in Taiwan 원문보기

Food science and human wellness, v.5 no.4, 2016년, pp.177 - 185  

Chiu, C.P. ,  Hwang, T.L. ,  Chan, Y. ,  El-Shazly, M. ,  Wu, T.Y. ,  Lo, I.W. ,  Hsu, Y.M. ,  Lai, K.H. ,  Hou, M.F. ,  Yuan, S.S. ,  Chang, F.R. ,  Wu, Y.C.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Cordyceps is treasured entomopathogenic fungi that have been used as antitumor, immunomodulating, antioxidant, and pro-sexual agent. Cordyceps, also called DongChongXiaCao in Chinese, Yartsa Gunbu (Tibetan), means winter worm-summer grass. Natural Cordyceps sinensis with parasitic hosts is difficult...


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