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[해외논문] Natural product HTP screening for attenuation of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemo attractants (CINCs) and NO2- in LPS/IFNγ activated glioma cells 원문보기

Journal of neuroimmunology, v.302, 2017년, pp.10 - 19  

Mazzio, E.A. ,  Bauer, D. ,  Mendonca, P. ,  Taka, E. ,  Soliman, K.F.A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Chronic and acute central nervous system (CNS) inflammation are contributors toward neurological injury associated with head trauma, stroke, infection, Parkinsons or Alzheimers disease. CNS inflammatory illnesses can also contribute toward risk of developing glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). With growi...


참고문헌 (96)

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