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From LTE to 5G for Connected Mobility 원문보기

IEEE communications magazine, v.55 no.3, 2017년, pp.156 - 162  

Lauridsen, Mads (Aalborg University) ,  Gimenez, Lucas Chavarria (Aalborg University) ,  Rodriguez, Ignacio (Aalborg University) ,  Sorensen, Troels B. (Aalborg University) ,  Mogensen, Preben (Aalborg University, Aalborg)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Long Term Evolution, the fourth generation of mobile communication technology, has been commercially deployed for about five years. Even though it is continuously updated through new releases, and with LTE Advanced Pro Release 13 being the latest one, the development of the fifth generation has been...

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Study on Latency Reduction Techniques for LTE 2016 

  2. Proc IEEE VTC 2016-Fall Coverage and Capacity Analysis of LTE-M and NB-IoT in a Rural Area lauridsen 2016 1 

  3. Proc IEEE VTC 2016-Fall A Simple Statistical Signal Loss Model for Deep Underground Garage nguyen 2016 1 

  4. LTE-M - Optimizing LTE for the Internet of Things 2015 

  5. Eur Conf Networks Commun Achieving Low-Latency Communication in Future Wireless Networks: The 5G NORMA Approach colazzo 2016 1 

  6. 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7413984 

  7. 2012 Intl Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks A Comparison Between One-Way Delays in Operating HSPA and LTE Networks laner 2012 286 

  8. Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies 2016 

  9. 10.1002/9781119992943 

  10. Elnashar, Ayman, El-Saidny, Mohamed A.. Looking at LTE in Practice: A Performance Analysis of the LTE System Based on Field Test Results. IEEE vehicular technology magazine, vol.8, no.3, 81-92.

  11. Requirements Related to Technical Performance for IMT-Advanced Radio Interface(s) 2008 

  12. State of Mobile Networks: Nordics 0 

  13. 5G Automotive Vision 2015 

  14. Visual networking index Global mobile data traffic forecast update 20092014 2016 

  15. Radio Resource Control Protocol Specifiation 2016 

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