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Effects of the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education (C-SAPE) Program on South Korean Fifth-Grade Students’ Competence in Terms of Knowledge and Self-Protective Behaviors

The Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses, v.33 no.2, 2017년, pp.123 - 132  

Kim, Shin-Jeong (Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea) ,  Kang, Kyung-Ah (Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Child sexual abuse (CSA) threatens children’s safety and even their lives. CSA is increasing steadily, despite the government’s efforts to decrease and prevent its incidence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education (C-SAPE) pr...

참고문헌 (33)

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