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[해외논문] Improving bread-making processing phases of fibre-rich formulas using chia (Salvia hispanica) seed flour 원문보기

LWT- Food science and technology, v.84, 2017년, pp.419 - 425  

Verdú, Samuel (Corresponding author. Edificio 8G - Acceso F –) ,  Barat, José (Planta 0, Ciudad Polité) ,  M. (cnica de La Innovació) ,  Grau, Raúl (n, Universidad Polité)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The capacity of chia seed flour to improve the behaviour of wholemeal formulas of wheat bread during the bread-making process was tested. Seven formulas were produced: one employing only wheat flour (control), two formulas substituting 13% and 23% (d.b.) of wheat flour with bran (wholemeal...


참고문헌 (29)

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