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[국내논문] A preliminary analysis of the diet composition of overwintering Bean geese ( Anser fabalis ) and greater white-fronted geese ( A. albifrons ) in Korea using PCR on fecal samples 원문보기

Animal cells and systems, v.21 no.2, 2017년, pp.141 - 145  

Kim, Min Kyung (Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Ewha Womans University , Seoul, Korea) ,  Lee, Sang-im (School of Undergraduate Studies, Daegu-Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology , Daegu, Korea) ,  Kim, Baek-Jun (National Institute of Ecology , Seocheon, South Korea) ,  Lee, Sang Don (Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Ewha Womans University , Seoul, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACTBean geese (Anser fabalis) and Greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) are the dominant wintering waterfowl in South Korea. Although they are commonly observed in estuaries and rice fields during the winter, the diet composition of the geese during the winter has rarely been studied. I...


참고문헌 (30)

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