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[해외논문] Foliar spraying of salicylic acid induced accumulation of phenolics, increased radical scavenging activity and modified the composition of the essential oil of water stressed Thymus vulgaris L.

Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB, v.123, 2018년, pp.65 - 74  

Khalil, Noha (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, Future University in Egypt, Cairo, 11835, Egypt) ,  Fekry, Mostafa (Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 11562, Egypt) ,  Bishr, Mokhtar (Arab Company for Pharmaceuticals and Medicinal Plants (Mepaco Medifood), 11361, Egypt) ,  El-Zalabani, Soheir (Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 11562, Egypt) ,  Salama, Osama (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Industries, Future University in Egypt, Cairo, 11835, Egypt)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Polyphenolic compounds are considered valuable secondary plant metabolites owing to the myriad of biological activities they exert. This study aimed to investigate the effect of applying various concentrations of the plant growth regulator, salicylic acid (SA), on Thymus vulgaris L. while ...


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