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[해외논문] In Situ Resonant Raman Spectroscopy to Monitor the Surface Functionalization of MoS2 and WSe2 for High-k Integration: A First-Principles Study

Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, v.34 no.8, 2018년, pp.2882 - 2889  

Qian, Qingkai ,  Zhang, Zhaofu ,  Chen, Kevin J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Surface functionalization of the dangling-bond-free MoS2, WSe2, and other TMDs (transition metal dichalcogenides) is of large practical importance, for example, in providing nucleation sites for the subsequent high-k dielectric integration. Of the surface functionalization methods, the reversible O ...

참고문헌 (28)

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