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[해외논문] Between-species differences in gene copy number are enriched among functions critical for adaptive evolution in Arabidopsis halleri 원문보기

BMC genomics, v.17 suppl.13, 2016년, pp.1034 -   

Suryawanshi, Vasantika (Department of Plant Physiology, Ruhr University Bochum, Universitä) ,  Talke, Ina N. (tsstrasse 150, Bochum, 44801 Germany) ,  Weber, Michael (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Am Mü) ,  Eils, Roland (hlenberg 1, Potsdam, 14476 Germany) ,  Brors, Benedikt (Department of Plant Physiology, University of Bayreuth, Universitä) ,  Clemens, Stephan (tsstrasse 30, Bayreuth, 95447 Germany) ,  Krämer, Ute (Division of Theoretical Bioinformatics, DKFZ, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg, 69121 Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BackgroundGene copy number divergence between species is a form of genetic polymorphism that contributes significantly to both genome size and phenotypic variation. In plants, copy number expansions of single genes were implicated in cultivar- or species-specific tolerance of high levels of soil bor...


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