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Effectiveness of cognition-focused interventions in activities of daily living performance in people with dementia: A systematic review

The British journal of occupational therapy, v.80 no.7, 2017년, pp.397 - 408  

Garrido-Pedrosa, Jèssica (Assistant Research Professor, Escola Università) ,  Sala, Isabel (ria d’Infermeria i Terà) ,  Obradors, Núria (pia Ocupacional de Terrassa, Universitat Autò)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Introduction Dementia affects cognitive functions and has a direct impact on the ability to perform activities of daily living. Studies have focused on the impact of cognition-focused interventions on cognitive functions, but less on the daily functionality of people with dementia. The aim of this s...

참고문헌 (43)

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