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[해외논문] Threonine Needs of Finishing Broilers: Growth, Carcass, and Economic Responses 원문보기

The Journal of applied poultry research, v.8 no.2, 1999년, pp.160 - 169  

Kidd, M.T. (Nutri-Quest, Inc.) ,  Lerner, S.P. (British United Turkey of America) ,  Allard, J.P. (O. K. Industries, Inc.) ,  Rao, S.K. (Choctaw Maid Farms, Inc.) ,  Halley, J.T. (Wayne Farms)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Marginal dietary deficiencies of threonine, the third limiting amino acid in broilers, may result in economic losses from increased feed conversion and reduced breast meat accretion. It is important, therefore, to meet the minimum dietary threonine level needed in a broiler diet. Few studi...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. National Research Council 1994 Nutrient Requirements of Poultry 

  2. Thomas, O.P., M.T. Farran, and C.B. Tamplin, 1992. Broiler nutrition update. Pages 45-53 in: Proc. Maryland Nutr. Conf., Baltimore, MD. 

  3. Thomas, O.P., T.A. Shellem, M. Sprague, and H.G. Kharlakian, 1995. Amino acid requirements during the withdrawal period. Pages 71-75 in: Proc. Maryland Nutr. Conf., Baltimore, MD. 

  4. Kharlakian, H.G., T.A. Shellem, and O.P. Thomas, 1996. Lysine, methionine, and threonine requirements in broilers during the withdrawal period. Pages 53-63 in: Proc. Maryland Nutr. Conf., Baltimore, MD. 

  5. Poultry Sci. Webel 75 1253 1996 10.3382/ps.0751253 Digestible threonine requirement of broiler chickens during the period three to six and six to eight weeks posthatching 

  6. National Feed Ingredients Association 3 71 1991 Supplemented amino acids (methionine and lysine) 

  7. Poultry Sci. Zhang 75 514 1996 10.3382/ps.0750514 Effects of overprocessing on the nutritional quality of peanut meal 

  8. J. Appl. Poultry Res. Kidd 7 351 1998 10.1093/japr/7.4.351 Varying lysine levels in starter and grower-finisher diets affect broiler performance and carcass traits 

  9. SAS Institute 1991 SAS User's Guide: Statistics 

  10. Data from the current study, in addition to industry averages for performance and cost [11], were incorporated into a Market Weight Economics model (British United Turkeys of America) to predict profitability. 

  11. Lerner, S.P., Route 60 West, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Personal communication. 

  12. Agribiol. Res. Heger 49 257 1996 Effects of dietary glycine and serine on starting broiler chick performance as influenced by dietary crude protein levels 

  13. Arch. Geflgelkd. Schutte 61 43 1997 Requirement of young broiler chicks for glycine and serine 

  14. Poultry Sci. Robbins 66 1531 1987 10.3382/ps.0661531 Threonine requirement of the broiler chick as affected by protein level and source 

  15. J. Appl. Poultry Res. Kidd 6 362 1997 10.1093/japr/6.4.362 Threonine responses in commercial broilers at 30 to 42 days 

  16. Poultry Sci. Dorfman 72 37 1993 10.3382/ps.0720037 Searching for significance: The perils of excluding pseudo-outliers 

  17. Poultry Sci. Kidd 76 608 1997 10.1093/ps/76.4.608 Dietary interactions between lysine and threonine in broilers 

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