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Seeking the Third Place for the Social Capital of Korean Elderly : Neighborhood Streets, Corner Stores, and Outdoor Flat Seating
한국노인의 사회적 자본을 위한 제 3의 장소를 찾아서 : 동네 길, 가게, 그리고 평상

한국주거학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korean Housing Association, v.28 no.4, 2017년, pp.47 - 54  

Seo, Hyun-Bo

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (23)

  1. Ageing and Society Baltes 16 4 397 1996 10.1017/S0144686X00003603 The process of succesful Ageing 

  2. International Journal of Lifelong Education Buffel 31 1 13 2012 10.1080/02601370.2012.636577 Theorising the relationship between older people and their immediate social environment 

  3. Environment and Behavior Cabrera 47 3 239 2013 10.1177/0013916513500275 How the built environment shapes spatial bridging ties and social capital 

  4. BioMed Central Public Health Cauwenberg 14 734 1 2014 Older adults’ reporting of specific sedentary behaviors: Validity and reliability 

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  9. Kim, S. M. (2011). The influence of the social capital on the suicide ideation in the elderly. Unpublished master's thesis, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.KimS. M.2011The influence of the social capital on the suicide ideation in the elderlyUnpublished master's thesisYonsei UniversitySeoul, Korea 

  10. Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea Kim 17 10 137 2001 A study on transaction of environment and behavior in urban detached houses 

  11. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Koenig 4 suppl. 1 14 1996 Minor depression in late life 

  12. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Levasseur 92 12 1979 2011 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.06.035 Associations between perceived proximity to neighbourhood resources, disability, and social participation among community dwelling older adults: Results from the ViosiNuAge study 

  13. Health Bulletin Macintyre 58 6 450 2000 Neighbourhood cohesion and health in socially contrasting neighbourhoods: Implications for the social exclusion and public health agendas 

  14. Geoforum Lager 59 87 2015 10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.12.009 Understanding older adults’ social capital in place: Obstacles to and opportunities for social contacts in the neighbourhood 

  15. Annals of the Association of American Geographers Laws 83 4 672 1993 10.1111/j.1467-8306.1993.tb01960.x “The land of old age”: Society's changing attitudes toward urban built environments for elderly people 

  16. The great good place Oldenburg 1989 

  17. Ageing & Society Phillipson 2 3 321 2007 10.1017/S0144686X06005629 The ‘elected’ and the ‘excluded’: Sociological perspectives on the experience of place and community in old age 

  18. Health Promotion International Richard 24 1 46 2008 10.1093/heapro/dan039 Staying connected: Neighbourhood correlates of social participation among older adults living in an urban environment in Montreal, Quebec 

  19. What is architecture? Seo 2009 

  20. Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea Shin 17 2 3 2001 A study on the characteristics of the residents’ behavior in the street of the urban housing area 

  21. Ageing and Society Thomese 20 55 2000 10.1017/S0144686X9900762X Neighbouring networks and environmental dependency. Differential effects of neighbourhood characteristics on the relative size and composition of neighbouring networks of older adults in The Netherlands 

  22. PLOS ONE Van Holle 11 2 1 2016 10.1371/journal.pone.0148398 The association between Belgian older adult’s physical functioning and physical activity “What is the moderating role of the physical environment?” 

  23. Urban Studies Research Wood 1 2012 10.1155/2012/507503 Streets apart: Does social capital vary with neighborhood design? 


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