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[해외논문] Multisensory environments and older people with dementia

Nursing & residential care : the monthly journal for care assistants, nurses and managers working in health and social care, v.1 no.4, 1999년, pp.211 - 215  

Wareing, Lesley Ann (Kings Park Community Hospital, Bournemouth BH7 6JE) ,  Coleman, Peter G (Psychogerontology, Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton) ,  Baker, Roger (Bournemouth University, Bournemouth)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Lesley Ann Wareing, Peter G Coleman and Roger Baker report on a study into the use of multisensory environments with four men in the later stages of dementia. The benefits that resulted following treatment were reduction in apathy and socially disturbed behaviour with increased interest in the envi...

참고문헌 (26)

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  26. Woodrow, Philip. Interventions for confusion and dementia 4: alternative approaches. British journal of nursing : BJN, vol.7, no.20, 1247-1250.

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