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[해외논문] 3D Highly Conductive Silver NanowirePEDOT:PSS Composite Sponges for Flexible Conductors and Their All‐Solid‐State Supercapacitor Applications

Advanced materials interfaces, v.4 no.22, 2017년, pp.1700860 -   

Moon, In Kyu (Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology Yonsei University Incheon 21983 Republic of Korea) ,  Yoon, Seonno (Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology Yonsei University Incheon 21983 Republic of Korea) ,  Oh, Jungwoo (Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology Yonsei University Incheon 21983 Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractAlthough increasing attention has been paid to wearable electronic devices in recent years, flexible supercapacitors with high performance remain not readily available because of the limitations of flexible electrode types. A highly conductive 3D macroporous sponge is fabricated by coating p...

참고문헌 (47)

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